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Opening shot of Sports Center on ESPN
ESPN asked Flavorlab Score to create custom score for their popular game highlights program, Sports Center. Specifically, they were asked to brand the baseball segment of the program. Composers Erik Blicker and Glenn Schloss delivered 3 album’s worth of modern rock tunes to the network.
The duo wrote and recorded ten songs all over the modern rock map. In just two weeks, they covered many bases with tunes from light rock to more raw and aggressive sounds. With only a week to compose the music, Schloss and Blicker ramped up production. They hashed out ideas on Roland V-Drums and Line 6 Pod guitars. Later, they re-recorded live drums and guitars on the best 10 of 15 songs written. G&E used the V-Drum kick in addition to the live drum kit. This maintained their ability to change kicks later to match different bass sounds. They used a Marshall stack to record rock guitars, occasionally doubling up on some of the Pod tracks.
“As opposed to some of our recent creations, there weren’t too many bells and whistles on this project – just pure rock ‘n roll.”
Glenn Schloss, composer and Flavorlab co-founder
Lots of drums, lots of bass, and a ton of screaming guitars. As with any tight deadline, some things have to happen simultaneously. While Schloss and Blicker finished up arrangements in Studio B, Flavorlab Sound’s Brian Quill mixed on Pro Tools HD in Studio A.
At the end of two weeks, Flavorlab delivered the final mixes to Claude Mitchell, creative director at ESPN. Flavorless Score delivered more tracks than originally contracted and ESPN had a tough decision selecting their ten favorites. Needless to say, the guys really hit a home run on this one.
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