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Independent Documentaries

From civic engagement to political unrest to sports features, we’ve got you covered. Flavorlab is honored to work with the journalists, film teams, and organizations that seek truth and provided necessary, hard-hitting stories. Whether you need sound design and Audio Post that puts your viewer in the action or music telling the story behind the story, our one stop audio team is here for you.

Recent Projects

Do Not Split

Created by director, Anders Hammer, and Field of Vision, Oscar-nominated Do Not Split 不割席 follows the 2019-2020 #FreeHongKong protests. Alongside activists and students on the ground in Hong Kong, the crew gives outsiders an inside look at the months long unrest.

Wildcard: The Downfall of a Radio Loudmouth

Once an AM radio king, Craig Carton of the Boomer and Carton Show got caught for fraud. The film follows his descent into gambling addiction, his arrest, and the aftermath. Flavorlab Score’s original music highlights the duality of a bombastic host and the darker side of this sports radio golden boy.

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Mutual of America: The 100 Scholars Robotics Alliance

Each year, the Mutual of America announces a winner for its Community Partnership Award. Flavorlab Score and Sound have collaborated with Jeff Schwartz of Primalux Video for nearly 15 years on shorts for the winning organizations. In 2020, the 100 Scholars Robotics Alliance of Atlanta exemplified that community partnership.

More Independent Documentaries

Active Measures

Written and directed by Jack Bryan, this fiery political documentary was a complete audio post project. The film peels back the story on Russian collusion in American elections. It features high profile interviews with D.C.’s top stars.


Forgiveness: A Time To Love And A Time To Hate is a two part PBS special exploring forgiveness on a personal and global scale. The intimate sound design and mix project takes on the aftermath of genocides, as well as tragedy in insular communities.

The Nine Lives of Marion Barry

Documenting the life of controversial former D.C. mayor, Marion Barry, Flavorlab Sound provided mix and Flavorlab Score wrote original music invoking each decade of his life. A civil rights hero and a symbol of corruption, more than one man, the story looks at the transformation of our nation’s capital.

The Assassination of Dr. Tiller

This investigation looks into the murder of prominent late-term abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller. Flavorlab Score wrote original music and Producer’s Toolbox licensed roughly 50 tracks for the story.

Gone: The Disappearance of Aeryn Gilleran

Gone follows a mother and former police officer as she investigates the disappearance of her son, whose body went missing in Austria. Flavorlab Score provided original score for the film. The feature premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2011.

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